Arab Co. For Petroleum Industries

Hydraulic Oils

  • Hydraulic Oil ISO VG 22-100

    Premium quality hydraulic oils that have a very high viscosity index and low pour point. They are formulated from high quality paraffinic base oils. Can be used in a wide variety of construction and industrial hydraulic applications. Suitable for use in hydraulic systems of diggers, graders, excavators, and cranes that have small, compact systems operating at pressures of 2,500 psi and above.

    - DIN 51524 Part 3 (HVLP)
    - ISO 11158: HV  

  • Hydraulic Oi--ISO VG 22-320

    Premium quality anti-wear hydraulic fluids made from highly refined base oils. They are designed primarily as superior heavy-duty anti-wear hydraulic oils for use in modern high-pressure hydraulic systems. They also provide good water separation properties.

    - DIN 51524 Part 2 HLP
    - ISO 11158 - HM 

  • Hydraulic Oil--ISO VG 22-320

    Non-inhibited mineral hydraulic oil made from highly refined base oils those have antioxidant, anticorrosion and antifoam properties.

    - DIN 51524 Part 2 H
    - ISO 11158 - HH